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Sex Robots That Will Let Couples Have Guilt-free Threesomes are Almost a Reality


The SunSEX robots will allow kinky couples to indulge in futuristic threesomes WITHOUT getting jealous, a leading sex therapist has claimed.

US author and sex counsellor Ian Kerner has said the life-like bots will allow couples to enact fantasies they might not otherwise try with a human.

Kerner also said that if one partner has a “higher libido” it could allow him or her to feel sexually fulfilled without straying.

The expert also said it could help couples break out of dry patches by spicing up their love lives.

Look, I’m no prude alright? I’ve been married a long time. And sure, I’ve thought about bringing a hot fembot into the bed for a little pre-programmed bisexual cyborg sex as much as the next guy. I’m not going to lie to you and claim I’ve never gone through Disney and considered getting one of the wenches from Pirates of the Caribbean for some sweet audio-animatronic three-way action. Who hasn’t?

But then reality kicks in. You can’t tell me for one hot second sharing a sex droid isn’t going to make anyone jealous. That couples will be happily “enacting fantasies” in mutually beneficial marital bliss. No goddamned chance. I speak from experience when I say I’m as happily married as I ever hoped I’d be. And the Irish Rose and I can’t share tech. We can’t use a TV clicker without getting on each other’s last nerve. And God forbid one of us gets a new tablet or upgrades a phone. We lose each other down that virtual rabbit hole for weeks, if not longer. So if you think she or any other wife is going to be fine with her husband boning some vaguely woman-shaped machine just because she’s going to be getting some of that too, you’re living in a dream world.

And besides, if shows like “Westworld” and movies like “Blade Runner” have taught us anything, it’s that replicants you build just to be sex toys evolve thoughts and feelings of their own. And what guy needs that? An angry, jealous sex robot. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop… ever, until you are miserable? Sorry. No sale.