
Heading Into The B1G 'Ship, Penn State's Squirrel Whisperer Is A Reminder That This School Is Still Full Of Weirdos

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DAILY MAIL - Four years after college student Mary Krupa gained fame as Penn State’s ‘Squirrel Whisperer,’ the graduating senior is now getting ready to say goodbye to her furry friends that made her an Internet sensation.

The 22-year-old Krupa is best known for placing tiny hats and outfits on the ubiquitous squirrels that live near Penn State’s landmark Old Main building, and coaxing them to hold miniature accessories.

Though her Penn State career is winding down, Krupa is still up to her old tricks. Her photos of ‘Sneezy the Penn State Squirrel’ continue to draw thousands of ‘likes’ on Facebook and have been featured in magazines and calendars.

So I will be out in Indianapolis this weekend joining the PMT boys at the Big Ten Championship game as my PSU takes on Big Cat’s Wisconsin. I’ve been to exactly zero Penn State events since the Sandusky scandal, so this will be a nice reintroduction to the cult. How many delusional blind Paterno supporters will I encounter? Lord knows. But I have a good feeling I’ll meet a gaggle of people just as weird as the Squirrel Whisperer.

There is nothing wrong with being weird or different, and this one definitely leans into her own strangeness. But who am I to criticize her replacement of meaningful life bonds with real humans with an affinity for rabid vermin? If she wants to dress up that rodent in a tux and walk him down the aisle of St. Paul’s Cathedral, have at it toots. Life is too short to not fuck squirrels, especially if that’s what she wants to do. Now if only we could train some of these squirrels to eat a Badger alive this Saturday.
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