
Condolences To Jon Lester After Failing To Have Throwing Over To First Base Eliminated Under The New CBA



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The new CBA is done (read all about the details here). Unfortunately for Jon Lester, there is not a new rule which states that pitchers no longer have to throw over to first base. It’s a shame. Gotta give the guy credit, though. The yips are one of the most bizarre things in human nature, never mind just the game of baseball. If I had the yips, I would probably have a mental breakdown, because there’s no way to actually explain how or why a player can pinpoint a baseball to all four quadrants of the strike zone, but can’t simply throw over to first base.

Credit to Lester, because he can at least make fun of himself for it. I mean, that’s really all you can do, right? You can’t be the in denial yips guy. That would be a terrible look. But I’m assuming what helps Lester out the most is the fact that he can have the yips and still be one of the best pitchers in the National League. Dude had his yips on full display in front of the world during the postseason this year, and still was a National League Cy Young finalist, and won a World Series with the Chicago Cubs. You can bust his balls for having the yips all you want, but you’re gonna look like an idiot when he rattles off his resume to you.

(h/t Cut4)