
This Thicccccccccc Medical Student Going Viral Right Now Is Going To Be The Hottest Lady Doctor Ever

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PREVIOUSLY: 1) Hottest teacher in America 2) Hottest teacher in the world 3) Hottest lawyer in the world

MTO – Mindy is a student at the University at Buffalo Medical School, and she’s getting a TON of support online. Not just for her schooling, and her looks – but for her amazing body.

And before you start calling her “fake”, Mindy has family from the Mediterranean area – so it’s supposedly all real.

First off: Love that caveat by Mediatakeout. “Well she’s from the Mediterranean area, her body’s got to be real.” Totally makes sense to me, ancient traditions surrounding boy fucking and gigantic amazing natural asses, widely known Mediterranean facts. But overall I’m so glad to be able to continue profiling these brave women trying to make it in highly skilled professional careers while also maintaining an unreal body that any dude would kill to gain even a fleeting moment of access to. I mean wow. So brave. There’s all this talk about feminism out there but who among those women are saluting these courageous souls like Thickkkkk Teacher or Hot Israeli Lawyer or Supermodel Hot Russian Teacher Lady? No one but Barstool. Sorry to have to be the one to stand up and give credit where it’s due to these strong successful women but it’s a cross I’m willing to bear. Girl power.

Also “Mindy Sittinpretty” as your name when you have a Little Miss Muffet sitting on her tuffet-sized ass is overall hilarious to me. Not just saying that for the sake of any impending Hail Mary DMs. No sir.

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Honestly it was hard to stop continuing to pull photos from her Instagram, it’s everything I’ve ever wanted (besides nip slips but beggars/choosers etc etc). But you get the idea. Hottest doctor in America, let’s get that crown Mindy!