
A Grown Woman Got In A Road Rage Beef With A Little Kid Cursing Her Out Hilariously From Another Car

For the sake of my sanity I’m going to choose to ignore that there was a car full of people egging on a toddler to curse at a human in another car and I’m going to ignore the awful parenting that goes into everything in that decision that could not only have gotten that kid hurt but also taught him a horrible lesson. I’m just going to ignore the part of my brain saying that because otherwise this is HILARIOUS. Every time this kid said “bitch” it cracked me up. His burns didn’t even make sense but hers barely did too so who cares.

Plus the fact that he got so DEEP in that chick’s head slayed me. She wasn’t even mad at the adults in the car, she legitimately wanted to yank a child through a window and beat the shit out of him. I sort of don’t blame the lady but still, you cannot let some little kid get you rattled like this where you’re threatening your own life driving without paying attention and people around you. If someone who still wets the bed and can’t even spell things out with blocks is this far inside your head, you need to go back to the drawing board and really ask yourself where it all went wrong. Or hunt the kid down and beat him with a Flinstones phone. Both options would help equally.