
Saints Bleaux It, Lose To Broncos In Crushing Fashion

I know I’ve been writing this every Sunday for years now, but the Saints just lost in absolutely devastating fashion. A go-ahead PAT blocked and returned for 2 points for a 25-23 loss.

It was reviewed and he probably stepped out of bounds but it wasn’t conclusive.

So the play stands, Saints failed to recover the onside kick and that’s all she wrote. Horrific afternoon for WhoDatNation.

Saints fall to 4-5 and head to Carolina on a super short week with the Thursday night game. This woulda been a GIGANTIC win, taking down the defending champs to hop above .500 after starting 0-3.

Instead, we’re devastated.

Not sure how many more years of this I can take. Crushing weekend after crushing weekend after crushing weekend. If we’re being honest, this one stings. Fucking dumbass fish. #LifelongSaintsFan