

Welcome back to the best collection of analysis and in-depth reporting Gifs and videos and pictures and Vines (RIP) of the Saturday in college football.

Me: #10
Other websites that try to post college football roundups that aren’t as good: #7

Pitt either just beat Clemson, or found out the Roundup got posted, up for interpretation.

Lee Corso says fuck your fish.

Ok onto the games now…3 kind of big ones that mattered a little bit.


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Blewitt…didn’t blow it, am I right?

I loved this moment earlier in the game.


Sometimes guys just kiss each other on the cheeks, it’s dude stuff.

Even Pitt’s ball boy was stuntin on people

Dabo you mad bro

Ended up being the perfect metaphor for this game:

Pitt swag surfin’

Live look at Clemson’s chances:



Clay Helton with the quote of the night

The one mistake the USC D made all night

Combine that with some big time offense:

And you get USC with a big time statement


…Despite this play happening.

Maybe could have used this guy instead of the real one?

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Michigan re-did the Iowa pink locker room – spoiler it didn’t end up working.

That face mask though…

Desmond King had an issue with the refs earlier:

Iowa pulls it off in a shocker.

And after all that, Trent finally gets his invite to NYC.

Get the fuck off me, please.

When you tumble out of the top 25

Ladies and gentlemen…I present to you…

Rutgers football.

And for our next show…2016 Michigan State football!

Kansas kick returner camouflages himself in the end zone.

Do you get it?

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Horrible leg injury for Seth Russell (NSFL)

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Nebraska punter boots it -2 yards.

Dana Holgorsen, big time Stoolie, big time national treasure

Texas QB = Rekt.

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This touchdown catch was not too bad:

Alabama O line does the mannequin challenge:

Poor Shelley Smith gets faced on her interview attempt

Wisconsin with the old kick INT

Dede Westbrook is the #1 player in college football that you’re not talking about enough

Penn State got a brief scare from Indiana but keeps their improbably good season going

No love lost when these two teams play each other folks

The Twitter captions on this are too good

Indiana/Penn State announcers spend 2 full minutes on these kids who got their footballs stuck in a tree.

Not a ton of people probably cared about UNLV Wyoming yesterday, but this game was awesome.

When you feel like you just started but you realize you’re at the bottom and the Roundup is over