
I Dug Up The First Barstool Blog That I Ever Read That Got Me Hooked Back In 2008

The only reason I posted this video was to pay homage to this chair. I mean I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a chair put up a battle like this one did to stay afloat. You literally could hear like splinters and legs and shit breaking off but it was still standing on what I can only assume is heart and heart alone. Also a tip of the cap to the fat dude for staying calm. He had to know he was going down right? But he just kept his composure and waited patiently for the end to come. He would have been great on the Titanic.

El Presidente, Oct 24 2008

That was it for me. I was hooked after that. I remember posting the link to that YouTube video and quoting Dave’s blog underneath it as my AIM away message after I read that blog for the first time. In case you missed it, we had Jerry Thornton on my podcast today, and we got into talking about the old days of Barstool. That conversation obviously got me thinking of when I first started reading the site, so I went back and found the first Barstool blog that I ever read. It was this one.

I get asked a lot what it’s like to write for Barstool, and I always use this comparison — Jason Newsted grew up a huge Metallica fan, and then after Cliff Burton’s death, the band held auditions to find their new bassist. Newsted auditioned, and got the gig. A lifelong Metallica fan became Metallica’s new bassist. That’s what writing for Barstool feels like for me. Nobody really knows who I am, I’m not in the New York office, but I get to be in the band, and it’s pretty fucking awesome. Bassist life. And it all started with this chair dying a slow, yet admirable death.

If you guys remember, it’d be cool to hear what blogs got all the other Stoolies hooked.