
This Is It, World Series Game 7

It’s rare you walk face first into a game knowing history will change in 4 hours but that’s where we’re at tonight. I’m not going to give you the whole Game 7 spiel, you’ve heard it a million times. All hands on deck, everyone available blah blah blah. So instead I’m just going to throw some nervous energy thoughts at you and pray for the best. Here we go.

-I love this team, truly LOVE this team. I think the moment it crystalized for me was that Seattle game where Wood played left and Lester won the game with a suicide squeeze. It was the day I had to pack up my shit and move from Chicago to NYC and I was incredibly homesick and sad. I watched extra innings in a motel in New Jersey and the Cubs were my North Star that night. It was that “magical” moment that you’ll never forget. Let’s hope it ends in that same magic tonight.

-I’m deathly afraid of Corey Kluber but back to back short rest has to catch up at some point right? Right? Don’t answer that question because I’m afraid the answer is no.

-Thinking about Jon Lester pitching in a  tight game with a runner on first made me pee a little in my pants.

-Rooting for Kyle Hendricks has been a pure joy. From fringe guy to Game 7 starter. He’s one of those dudes that you root for from day 1 and never expect much in return only he’s given us so much this year and then some.

-I’d rather see Jake even though he pitched yesterday than Lackey, if it comes to that.

-Andrew Miller makes me want to projectile vomit. A lead for the Indians with Miller coming in is putting all of us 6 feet under. Knowing that heightens the intensity. First score might win this thing. Fuck.

-Kyle Schwarber will do something big, he just has to.

-Same for Anthony Rizzo. He’s the piece that holds this whole thing together, he’s hot and won’t shy away from the big moment.

-Let’s hope this doesn’t become a chess match because as much as I love Joe, Terry Francona is that good.

-On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who has read, watched, or listened over the years. Nights like tonight are what make my job so cool. I know some people thought I was being whiney on Monday’s Rundown about Facebook Live and flying back from Chicago and they weren’t wrong. It’s been a tough week with some personal shit thrown at me, a couple of deaths, it’s not an excuse, it’s more me telling you that I never take my job for granted and whatever perceived lack of gratitude wasn’t the real story. I appreciate you guys.

Alright, let’s do this. You can watch all night on Facebook Live starting at 7:50. We’ll be live all game and slightly delayed. I probably won’t be on twitter much to avoid spoilers but you’ll get more than enough content from our page. I think Dave and PFT will be on either side of me. See you all on the other side and Go Cubs Go.