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TIME Pins Op Ed Saying Hillary Clinton's Emails Are Only An Issue Because She's Female

TIMEI am mad. I am mad because I am scared. And if you are a woman, you should be, too. Emailgate is a bitch hunt, but the target is not Hillary Clinton. It’s us.

The only reason the whole email flap has legs is because the candidate is female. Can you imagine this happening to a man? Clinton is guilty of SWF (Speaking While Female), and emailgate is just a reminder to us all that she has no business doing what she’s doing and must be punished, for the sake of all decent women everywhere. There is so much of that going around.

The people are demanding Clinton act like moral exemplars, thundering from the pulpit like Jonathan Edwards or Cotton Mather. But Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and their many conservative friends are not remotely Clinton’s moral superiors. They are simply bullies, using gender discrimination to give a veneer of plausibility to their accusations.

FBI Chief James Comey has shown himself to be another bully of the same kind. He has repeatedly talked down to Clinton, admonishing her as a bad parent would a 5-year-old. He has accused her of “poor judgment” and called her use of a private email server “extremely careless.” If Comey’s a Boy Scout, here’s one old lady who will never let him help her across the street.

If the candidate were male, there would be no scolding and no “scandal.” Those very ideas would be absurd. Men have a nearly absolute right to freedom of speech. In theory, so do women, but that, as the creationists like to say, is only a theory…

So this is written by some chick named Robin Lakoff who’s a professor of linguistics somewhere and wrote a book about women and places or something. Whatever. Aside from TIME green-lighting this troll piece to somehow entice clicks because no one on planet earth reads TIME nowadays besides apparently Intern Robbie who sent me this link, it’s pure lunacy. This chick is a delusional nutjob. She’s detached from reality. She’s in lala land and has reached a point from which return is impossible.

“Clinton is guilty of SWF (Speaking While Female)…”

lol, come on. SWF? Get the fuck outta here. But this right here might be the most pertinent example of chick logic I’ve ever seen:

“In fact, her apologies were her only mistake. By apologizing she acknowledged guilt. But that’s what women are supposed to do (because women are always guilty of something).”

Tell me that doesn’t give you nightmarish flashbacks to some high school girlfriend battles. It’s almost like my senior year gf wrote this piece as a subtweet to me. Like she’s still trying to get in that last turn of the knife.

Look sweetheart, Hillary’s emails aren’t a huge issue because she’s got a vagina. Hillary’s emails are a huge issue because she’s running for President Of The United States and, while Secretary of State: 1) was cavalier/”extremely careless” with classified information; 2) deleted 33,000 emails that are supposed to go on public record, going as far as having her people break phones with hammers; 3) a million other reasons, none of which are because she’s female.

You know that. I know that. TIME knows that. Hillary Clinton knows that. I know the election’s been an absolute grind, but we’ve just go one more week to go. Let’s try to get through it without publishing more pure lunacy for the people to consume.

PS — Fully aware of the italics/non-italics issues with some of my blogs. It’s a backend technical issue that occurs because myself and those that publish my blogs work in different formats, therefore the coding gets affected sometimes when they go in.

Bottom line, aware of it and working on it.