
Dad Passes Out Candy To People On His Flight So His Daughter Can Trick-Or-Treat On Halloween

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Dad of The Goddamn Year is right. Traveling sucks so much but even this would put a smile on my face if I were on that airplane. Part of me hopes that guy is a single Dad cause this is how you get women to straight up Niagra Falls in their pants. Just read the tweet of the woman who was on the flight. She can barely contain herself. She would’ve joined the Mile High Club with that Dad no questions asked. Nothing makes the female population melt more than a considerate Dad. On the flip side, I can’t stop thinking about the other parents with kids on that flight who look like total assholes now. They thought they could get away with cancelling Halloween. “Oh I’m sorry honey. We can’t go trick-or-treating this year. We have to be on a plane that night” then here comes this guy with the sweetest, most loving idea possible. Those parents who didn’t do anything for their kids definitely kept the candy and ate it themselves as a silent protest. Or maybe shoved razor blades in the candy or spit on it cause they were so bitter.