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Trump Wants Candidates Drug Tested For Debates

What a ridiculous stance to take. Drug testing for the debates? The last debate was fantastic. Explosive. Endless banter about basically everything except policy. It was perfect. Trump wants to take that away from us by instilling drug tests? He wants to water down that product? Lemme guess — he hated the 1998 home run race too?

Pathetic look for DT. You don’t point the finger at your opponent and yell cheater. You don’t beg for drug tests. That’s just telling everyone you’re getting beat and you don’t know why. The play is not to cry for testing, it’s to inject yourself with any and every drug imaginable and come out SWINGING next time. That’s the Donald we want and need — not this whiny ass anti-doping Donald. Fuck this guy.

PS — Wikileaks just released Hillary’s paid Goldman Sachs speeches. Only halfway thru speech one but getting there.