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Remember The Guys Who Motorboated A Bunch Of Titties To Raise Money For Breast Cancer Awareness? Well Their Money Was Refunded Because A Few People Found It Offensive

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This is the pussification of America at it’s finest. This is exactly, to a T, what I hate about our society today. A group of guys try to do something a little outside of the box, something that will garner attention and money for a great cause and because a small small minority finds it offensive they can’t. That’s unreal. I mean who the fuck watches that original video and gets offended? It’s clearly done in fun. It’s not like they were tackling chicks and ambushing them. They asked for their consent, not to mention it was all done for CHARITY. Yet that’s enough. Because somewhere there are a few people who think that if they are offended by something then it flat out shouldn’t happen. If they don’t like it, no one else should get to enjoy it. That’s what we’ve come to today. If even 1 person complains it’s over. Charities, companies, and people wilting to even 1 second of pressure. It sucks. And the worst part is the people who complained will remain anonymous and keep complaining for the rest of their lives. Any time anyone tries to have fun or do something creative, they’ll complain. They won’t have a rational debate about it, explain why they have to complain and ruin things for everyone else, nope, they’ll just complain. Such an awful trend for our society on a whole.