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Casually Playing Wonderwall With a Pink Dildo Is One Way Of Making It In The Music Biz

Living on the Internet, you never know what you’re going to get day to day. You never know what will go viral- one day it’s a homeless man with a golden voice, the next day it’s some punk kid getting knocked the fuck out by a bouncer, and today it’s some weirdo in what is for sure his childhood bedroom playing Wonderwall with a pink dildo. Why is he playing 30 seconds of Wonderwall on camera? Why is he casually strumming with a floppy pink cock? Why is anything anything and why are we here and what are black holes and what does it all mean? Some answers we will never know. Some things just are what they are and haven’t a rhyme nor reason. But videos like this are what make the Internet world go round. It doesn’t have to make sense. But 100’s of thousands of views later, here we are. It’s simply incredible.