
Steve Smith Sr Is Back And His Passion Has Never Been Greater

Steve Smith Sr. is the man, part 105,673. There’s just nothing this guy can’t do that doesn’t make me love and appreciate him more, as if he’s my own family. He’s an elite trash talker, fantastic WR, and does all sorts of charity work in between. After going down with a brutal Achilles injury last season, I immediately said that Steve Smith Sr was not going to go out that way. He does things on his terms, not his Achilles terms. And so what did he do? He put off retirement for one more year just to prove to himself and the world that he’s still got it.

At 37 years old, a family, and a hefty bank account, SSS didn’t have to come back. But he wanted to. He loves the Ravens organization, the fans, and the game too much to walk away. And he’s still a great WR as well. Hate him when you’re playing against him, that’s fine, but this dude is everything you want in a WR.

Oh and his trash talk is already heating up.

Ice up.