
I'm Devastated Hank Left Michael Bishop Off His Mt. Rushmore Of Backup QBs

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Hank’s a young buck. I know that, I get that, it’s why we love him. I don’t even know if he remembers Michael Bishop, he might be lucky enough to have only known Tom Brady his entire life. So this blog is less about shaming Hank and more about paying respect to the legend that is Michael Bishop.


Michael Bishop is the greatest backup QB who has ever existed. That’s not even up for debate. There is no “Mount Rushmore” for Mike, there’s a singular statue. I love everyone on Hank’s Rushmore (that’s actually kind of a lie. Tbh I hate Saracen. Whaaaa my girlfriend fucks the Swede whaaaaa my grandma has Alzheimer’s whaaaaa my dad died in Afghanistan whaaaaa my mom left us when I was a kid. We get it dude, life stinks. Be a sixteen year old and handle it.). But Michael Bishop was THE TRUTH. Michael Bishop was Mike Vick before Mike Vick was Mike Vick. Tom Brady calls him the best athlete he’s ever seen. He waas a Hail Mary specialist. Have you ever heard of that? Has such a thing ever existed? Yeah, it has. Michael Bishop and only Michael Bishop could fill such a role.


Watching those (that) highlight tape (play) I’m already convinced that Tom Brady never should have gotten a shot to play starting QB for the Patriots. Yeah, I know that’s blasphemy but I believe what my eyes tell me to believe. Michael Bishop was a STUD. He had a rocket arm and legs before a QB having legs was cool. If Bill Belichick knew anything about football then Mike Bishop would be QB1 for the Patriots, we’d have 10 Super Bowls, and he’d have his own shoe line.