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The Fast 8 Production Crew Seems To Have Picked A Side In The Rock And Vin Diesel's Little Slapfight

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TMZ – Production sources tell TMZ, The Rock has been upset with Vin’s work ethic for a long time, and he’s not alone. Members of the crew tell us Vin was often 30 minutes to an hour late to shoot scenes … and it wasn’t because he was late to the set — he was simply in his trailer and wouldn’t come out.

We’re told Vin didn’t like Monday 7 AM calls so production was forced to make the start time 10 AM to accommodate him.

And the crew felt Vin’s arrogance was out of control, especially because he had a producer title. We’re told he wouldn’t listen to anyone and would goad people, including The Rock, by criticizing their acting.

The crew has a vastly different view of The Rock. They say he’s the ultimate professional who is always on time and always nails his scenes. They also say he’s easy to work with.


And The Rock also posted this one on Instagram which has a waft of JJ Watt-tryhardness but shows he’s the most loved dude on a big prison scene on the Fast 8 set:



It’d be kind of funny if this “most amazing prison scene ever” he’s hyping up was just a 20-minute Oz-style group orgy with all these dudes, but that’s neither here nor there. Overall though I’m really sucked in on the drama on the Fast 8 set between The Rock and Vin Diesel because it just seems so out of character all around. I’m sure the manly stars of action movies have had little lady catfights before but usually they’re done behind the scenes with the men subtly undercutting each other and being normal guy-style shithead moves. But thanks to The Rock’s airing it out in public, these two big hulking men are doing some weird passive aggressive social media thing that’s absolutely hilarious. I mean look at Vin Diesel’s first public statements:



Like what the fuck is going on here? You’re like adolescent teen girls feuding over a burn book but I can’t look away. I’m sure there’ll be more to come because these two can’t seem to help themselves but I think with this new information, you’ve got to be Team Rock. I’ve always assumed Vin Diesel was kind of a prick but the shit TMZ’s reporting him doing is straight unprofessional. If anything, it seems like The Rock did his initial subtweet for the good of all those little people who don’t have the stroke he has and have to just sit there and take Vin Diesel’s shit. Maybe a face-saving move for The Rock to have this info leaked to TMZ but someone has to stop the tyrant Vin Diesel for the good of us all.