
Rio Doing Rio Things...Media Bus Gets Sprayed With Bullets

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Media members probably so psyched they have something to actually complain about now. See? See all you internet people mocking us on the internet? All you Pardon My Take bullies? We can’t even ride in a bus without getting sprayed by bullets. Can’t even leave an event without ducking for cover while a veteran reporter of the Iraq war has to commandeer the vehicle and get us to safety.

I mean there are plenty of things to mock reporters for, like whining about low water pressure and bugs in the hallways and tiny coffee cups. But if there’s anything a journalist can get actual sympathy from me for, it’s that you can’t ride in a bus with the god damn lights on because it’s too much of a hazard and somebody will shoot you.

I will say though that, in that tweet chain, we did eventually devolve into some complaining that didn’t really fit with the rest of the theme-

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“Media woes include being late to some games because the busses are slightly off schedule.” Hmmmm not sure that fits in on a live-tweet of “woes” that are about getting shot at, with gunfire, from a gun. But I’m not a journalist, maybe missing the first 4 minutes of an Olympic basketball game and messing up your lede feels the same as shards of shattered glass from a bus window stuck in your jugular?


Don’t say nobody warned you fellas.

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