
I Am Playing In The Cure For Cole Wiffle Ball Tournament On Saturday And Need Ringers To Join My Team

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This Saturday in Scituate is the 7th Annual Cure For Cole Wiffle Ball Tournament which is easily my favorite day of the summer every summer. It’s a fun filled day of Wiffle ball with all the proceeds going to a local kid (Cole) who was diagnosed with FSGS, Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis at a young age (Read Cole’s full story).     The reason I’m writing this blog though is because the third member of my time flaked  last minute because he has to go to his sisters wedding or some BS so I figured, why not crowd source the 3rd and 4th spots to the stoolies, assemble a super team, and finally get that championship cup I’ve been chasing for the last 7 years. We’re not looking for any Joe Schmo who used to play wiffle ball in his back yard when he was 12 though, we need a 5 tool, full hardo, wiffle ball league playing machine that is going to respect the integrity of the game and take the day as seriously as we do. Here are the requirements

1. Must be good at Wiffleball

2. Must be able to gas 12+ beers throughout the day while playing wiffleball

If you fit these requirements and have nothing to do on Saturday and want to play, email me at or tweet me @hen_ease why you’re deserving to be on the squad. Who ever we pick will get a free jersey (t – shirt) paid entry fee, free beers and hopefully a championship trophy to cap it all off.

There are also still a few spots open if you want go register a team and come down and play for the day you can email Jamie Murray (just got drafted by the Sharks nbd) at . And if you can’t make it but still want to  help you can find out how to donate here. It really is a great cause and all donations make a huge difference. Viva..