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Dude Gets Held At Knife Point By A Robber, Knocks Out The Robber And Poses For A Selfie With Him

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Cape Town – A mugger held a knife to a man’s chest in Stellenbosch at the weekend, but his would-be victim knocked him out and took a selfie with the defeated assailant instead. Now, after posting the image of the unconscious man on Facebook, Nathan Wood has had to fend off the backlash. Wood, 27, punched his assailant once in the jaw after the man and an accomplice approached him and a friend in the early hours of Saturday morning. “Looking at the selfie, some people think I look arrogant… this guy went out with intent, with purpose, to rob. I am glad it happened to me and not some 18-year-old first-year student,” he told News24 on Monday.




Almost impossible to get dunked on harder than that. Worst mugger ever followed up by the best picture ever. I’ve never mugged anybody but you gotta be real bad at it to run up on somebody with a knife and you’re the one who ends up unconscious on the ground. The knocked out robber has to move now, right? He has to. He can never face his friends again. Not to make this a black/white thing but it’s gotta be super embarrassing for a black guy to get knocked out by a white guy. That’s not how it’s supposed to go. Any time I’ve ever seen a fight video between a white guy and a black guy, the black guy wins 98% of the time. That’s just another L we can throw on top the the growing pile of Ls for that robber.



This is a joke by the way


Now, after posting the image of the unconscious man on Facebook, Nathan Wood has had to fend off the backlash. “Looking at the selfie, some people think I look arrogant… this guy went out with intent, with purpose, to rob.”



That sums up the IQ of the internet pretty well right there. Dude gets a knife pointed into his chest by a robber. Dude knocks out the would-be robber and posts a picture online basically saying, “Don’t fuck with me” and he gets the backlash. Oh people don’t want a picture of a knocked out guy on their social media feeds? Tell that other dude to stop robbing people. What a stupid world.



PS- That guy looks like Carrabis, right?