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Reader Email - My Neighbor Left A Note Saying Her Cat Was Going Through Cat Vocalization Training


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 I live in an upscale apartment complex in downtown Minneapolis. The letter below was left on my door, and from what I could tell no other neighbors received this.

I have never met or seen the mysterious neighbor in apartment #124. To make things even more odd, I have never heard a cat talk or “meow” for that matter.





Listen I’m not going to tell Troy he needs to move out, that’s a bit rash. But I will say this, a person who hires a Cat behavior consultant and let’s THAT person into their home, can not be trusted. There are limits every person should have and paying money to a person to come to your home and teach your cat how to “talk” less is that line. We live in a society, there are rules, if your neighbor is willing to do this they’re willing to do anything, including murder you in your sleep. A cat would do it, and someone this obsessed with their cat is basically a cat themselves. Move.