Quick Check Up On Failed Turkey Coup: Detainees Being Raped and Tortured


CNNCaptured military officers raped by police, hundreds of soldiers beaten, some detainees denied food and water and access to lawyers for days. These are the grim conditions that many of the thousands who were arrested in Turkey face in the aftermath of a recent failed coup, witnesses tell Amnesty International.

Detainees awaiting trial have been beaten and tortured in official and unofficial holding centers in Istanbul and Ankara since the July 15 coup attempt by parts of Turkey’s military, the human rights group alleged this week, citing interviews with detainees’ lawyers, doctors and a person who was on duty at one of the centers in Ankara.



This sucks. Rape and torture suck. Especially for me because I’m a devout humanitarian. But I mean… duh. This is EXACTLY what you expect from a failed coup. And in Turkey, no less. What did people think, you attempt to militaristically overthrow the government and if it fails everything just goes back to normal? “Hey good try guys, almost had us, see you at dinner”? Like a quick handshake after a playoff series and maybe try your luck again next year? No. A coup is one of those things that just can’t fail. It’s all or nothing. Do or die. And by die I mean get tortured and starved and raped by the people you tried to overthrow.

I don’t condone it. No sir. But I sure do expect it — a coup ain’t coo unless you win.


PS – How soft does this make us look? Turkey’s had tanks in the streets, a hundred dead and like 10,000 arrested for trying to takeover Istanbul. Trump makes a wisecrack about Russia hacking Hil’s emails and people freak out, start screaming treason. smdh.