Two Pimps Coaching Their Hoes While They Fight In A Street And Block Traffic Is Redefining #RelationshipGoals


The whole #relationshipgoals thing is just a part of our culture now on social media, right along side declaring a female crush on Wednesdays or dusting off an attention whorey old photo on Thursdays. But a lot of those goals people have aren’t grounded in reality. But this video, this is what it’s really all about to make a relationship. Support. Concern. Advice. The whole world ceases to exist around the both of these couples (and other various hoes), even basic traffic laws, their love a powerful shield against everything around them. And sure either of these guys could have jumped in to help, but where does that get them? Give a hoe an uppercut, it’ll save her for a day. Teach a hoe to work the left, it’ll save her for a lifetime. That’s the kind of sacrifice true love requires. And if they had side money bets with the other dudes watching, even better. That just means they not only care, they’re willing to back it up with their own hard-earned dollars (that may be from the girls’ vaginas but that’s neither here nor there). True #relationshipgoals.


Also I really enjoyed how these two pimps were clearly different types of pimps but they still had the same approach. The one dressed like one of the Migos dudes was more hands off but I’m sure a very competent pimp while the other guy was more of a working class biker Taz’s Angels kind of pimping situation. But here they were, working together, all in the name of love/teaching a ho a lesson. Almost enough to bring a tear to an eye.