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Vin Diesel Is BACK As Xander Cage In xXx, Baby!




It’s been a long, long time since we first met Xander Cage. Too long, in fact. Many moons have past since we saw him stealing Ferraris and driving them off bridges, jumping huge fences using a simple wheelie, and grinding away from bad guys using serving trays. But boy, oh boy, did he just announce his return with a-fucking-thority. What’s X got in store this time around? Oh, I don’t know. Nothing big, really. Just some skateboarding on buses…



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That’s not enough? Ok, what say you we take a ride down the slopes of the rain forest, catch some big air, and maybe grind a tree or two?



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Still not enough? Cool, guess we’ll just go drive dirt bikes across the motherfucking ocean then and rip some barrels. Jesus just walked on water like a pussy, Xander Cage rode his Yamaha on it.


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Can’t wait for January, man. The original xXx came out right around the same time as The Fast and The Furious or, as that time period is more commonly referred to, “the golden era of action films.” Don’t agree with me? Well then riddle me this: does it get better than movies that are basically the XGames with guns? I’ll answer that for you, it absolutely does not. Guns, girls, global domination. LFG.