Iowa Congressman Steve King Says That Americans And Europeans (White People) Have Contributed The Most To Civilization
O’l Stevey King! Ol’ bat shit crazy Steve King from Iowa. If you don’t remember Steve, the latest thing he did was try and stop Harriet Tubman from being on the $20 bill because he thought it was racist. Nobody loves to make racist and outlandish comments like him. It’s his favorite thing ever. The RNC in Cleveland is his Super Bowl and he’s tossing up Hail Marys on Day 1. Listen, I don’t know the statistics on what he said (pretty sure statistics like that don’t even exist) but you wanna talk about painting with the broadest brush possible, this is it. If you think Steve King knows what he’s talking about up there then you don’t know Steve King.He wants eyeballs on him at all times so he said this. Steve King also wants everybody to know that white people, white Christians specifically, are the best and that the other “subcategories” of people are lucky to have white people. Steve King doing Steve King things. Next.
I thought this lady was gonna leap across the table and strangle him. A few more seconds and she would’ve had Steve in a head lock.