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Roger Goodell Says Mark Wahlberg Lied About Calling Him To Complain About Ballers







USATODAY - In an appearance on Mike & Mike last week, Mark Wahlberg claimed that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell took time out of fighting with Tom Brady in court and the other things he does as the NFL Commissioner to call and complain about HBO’s Ballers, which uses a number of storylines from the league and cameos from NFL players. He was speaking about the trouble they had at first getting people to appear on the show, saying the only calls they received were from “guys like Roger Goodell, saying, ‘you can’t do this,’ and various owners in the league.”But in a move that ruined all of this fun, NFL communications SVP tweeted that this just wasn’t true.

First things first. I hate Roger Goodell more than life itself, but obviously Marky Mark was lying about this. It was the most obvious lie in the history of lies. I mean he dropped this story like 3 seconds before the premiere of Ballers. It was PR 101. Plus I think Marky Mark just lies in his natural course of conversation. That’s just something I believe. But that’s neither here nor there. Instead I once again I find it comical that the NFL wasted no time publicly denying a claim they deemed to be false. I mean every single time there is a report that they perceive as inaccurate they issue a public statement denying it. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Except once. Except when Chris Motenson released wildly inaccurate PSI numbers from the Colts game that he said he got from the league office. That’s the only time in the history of the NFL that they sat on their hands and did nothing.  I guess why correct something that you intentionally leaked in the first place.