Soccer Players Snaps His Leg During A Game And It's Pretty NSFL
Happy Monday everybody! You know what the best cure for a two day hangover is? Puking. That’s what I’ve learned over the years. Puking your guts out is the best cure. That’s why I’m just here to help. Maybe you didn’t want to see a guy get his leg snapped in half on a Monday morning but just know there are people out there who needed to see that. Right now they’re in the bathroom of their office building making it rain. Puking might be unpleasant but I’ll be damned if you don’t feel like a million bucks when it’s over. As for that soccer player, he joins the ranks of Horrific Internet Leg Injuries That Nobody Wants To See But Watches Anyway. I can’t put him up there with the greats like Willis McGahee or Shaun Livingston but still a good/horrible leg snap nonetheless. Silver lining? He doesn’t have to run for awhile. That feels like a win.