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Two Minnesotans Argued In The Most Minnesota Way Possible

I’m not really sure what happened in that video, but I definitely enjoyed it just because of the ridiculous accents and insults that were being hurled as well as feeling like I was in an episode of Fargo by the way the name Bob was getting tossed around. Midwestern as fuck. I think this video checked the boxes for everything that happens in every argument involving Minnesotans. We had:

At least one of the guys is named Bob ?
Someone being called “Big Boy” ?
Someone being called a chicken ?
Someone being accused of wanting to see a guy’s package ?
Someone being called a mamas boy ?
Someone being accused of eating paint chips as a kid ?
Someones mom being accused on drinking while she was pregnant ?
Story about a guy’s mom from when she was in school decades ago that everyone remembers since nobody has ever moved out of town ?

However I did NOT see the Pokemon Go reference dropping out of the sky. Those motherfuckers truly are everywhere. I guess calling someone The Pokeyman Nutcase is something we’ll have to add to the checklist, because people in Minnesota definitely don’t know what the hell is going on during this whole Pokemon craze and they won’t know for about another 20 years. I also never thought a mogul from Boston would pronounce the word Pokemon the same as a hick from Minnesota. Just goes to show you we aren’t all that different after all.

Also I feel like once this video ended, these guys just met at the local saloon and ironed out their differences over a large steak and a shitload of scotch or heavy beers because that’s what Minnesotans do.

P.S. If Jason had kissed Bob, I’m pretty sure Bob would have killed him right on the spot.
And are Minnesotans allowed to call each other “hosers” or is that just a Canadian thing?