
The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter, Version 9.0 - "C-Jah"


The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter (The GOAT)

The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter, Version 2.0 (Extended Version)

The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter, Version 3.0 (Barraco Barner)

The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter, Version 4.0 (Ostrich Sized)

The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter, Version 5.0 (Ox Celery Cord)

The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter, Version 6.0 (Coffin Skate)

The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter, Version 7.0 (Mr. Meaner)

The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter, Version 8.0 (Abillicole Cord and Moan of Lisa)

Just three weeks ago we inducted Abillicole Cord and Moan of Lisa into the Hall of Fame of Stupid, and now here we are at another ceremony to introduce another phrase into immortality.

Today’s inductee has to deal with the word Seizure. The word seizure has been throwing Twitter for a loop since day one. Before The Definitive List Of Stupid People On Twitter became a thing, there was a classic night when Lil Wayne had a seizure that nearly crippled the internet with their attempts at spelling. 2013 – Last Night Lil Wayne Had A Caesar And Fell Into A Comma

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Caesar was the original butchering of the word seizure. But last night, we took it to a whole new level. This man last night didnt even use actual words. He resorted to straight up phonetic sounds and a hyphen:

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C-jah. C. Jah. Amazing. I love that he took the time to correct the improper tense from have to had. But then just admitted he has no idea to spell and punted on the word seizure. And even better than that, I dont think he even did a good job. I would pronounce that like C Ja. I think he was going for more of a C-zha. I think the Z would be the better choice over the J if we’re gonna do some Hooked On Phonics shit.

So thanks for clarifying the C-jah is that shit when you shake, and congrats on being immortalized in the Hall of Stupid, Jay Murphhh.