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Sonics Fans Let Their Hate Fly At The Thunder After Kevin Durant Agreed To Go To The Warriors

Sonics fans yesterday:

Ooooooh, let the hate flow through you. That’s enough hate to make Barstool’s Emperor Palpaltine (Kevin Francis Clancy) get a shiver down his spine. While Stoolies were tweeting happy #SaturdaysAreForTheBoys and #LetTheBigCatEat gifs this weekend, Sonics fans were stockpiling their own gifs to dance on another fan base’s grave. Just ruthless. And there are like a million of these at the Sonicsgate Twitter handle, each more vicious than the last. And I can’t blame Sonics fans one bit. As a New Yorker, it’s rare that we lose a free agent because of money. Losing an entire franchise is basically impossible these days. I mean we lose franchises all the time to terrible owners and they just exist in some zombie state until that owner dies or sells the team. But actually ripping a team out of New York to another city almost would seem impossible. Walter O’Malley did that almost 60 years ago and people in Brooklyn still curse his name to high hell.

So I have no problem with Sonics fans using Thunder fans’ tears as lotion as they figuratively (and in some cases maybe literally) beat their dicks to this news. Granted the Thunder fans had nothing to do with the team moving. They just had a young team filled with talent placed on their doorstep and enjoyed it while it lasted. But as someone that loves things like Arya crossing people off her list, I do enjoy a good revenge story. Like if your girl leaves you for another guy that is now your nemesis. It’s going to feel pretty good if she leaves him for yet another guy that just beat him in an epic fight and is super good looking with a record-setting big dick that came up just short of becoming immortal. Oh yeah, and on top of that, your nemesis is about to lose his dime piece mistress once Russell Westbrook becomes a free agent. Just brutal.

Then again, maybe Thunder fans aren’t the best fan base to fuck with.