
Does This Look Like The Face Of A Guy Who Yelled "Fuck The Police" Out His Car Window While Passing A Cop Car And Got Pulled Over For Drunk Driving?

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 Iowa Press-Citizen- An Iowa City man has been charged with drunken driving after allegedly eluding police and later admitting to drinking while driving. At about 12:40 a.m. Sunday, an Iowa City police officer was parked on the corner of Governor and College streets when an individual in a passing car yelled “(expletive) the police,” according to Iowa City Police complaints. The officer pursued and attempted to pull over the car, which stopped at 941 E. Jefferson St., according to police. When asked if he had been drinking, Richman told police, “Not since I was driving,” according to police complaints. A datamaster test indicated that Richman had a .095 blood alcohol content, police say.?Richman has been charged with operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a serious misdemeanor.

Whoops.  Bold strategy here by this guy.  Probably not the best idea when driving drunk.  You’re gonna want to try and keep a lower profile but it’s hard to hate the balls on this kid.  I’m sure many people have wanted to voice their displeasure with authority figures after a few drinks on more than one occasion, for no apparent rhyme of reason other than being hammered, but they’re always too big of a pussy to do it.  Or they realized that it’s not worth spending the night in jail for.  Not Craig Richman.  He’s not constrained by such things like jail time or fines or legal fees.  He does what he wants, when he wants.  Not only did he yell “fuck the police” out his window but it sounds like he actually went out of his way to give those cops a piece of his mind.  And they clearly heard him so I guess good job?