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MoCo Might Push School Opening Time An Hour Later So Kids Can Get More Sleep


Wash Post - Montgomery County school leaders have given the go-ahead to a proposal to look into shifting high school starting times to 8:15 a.m., so that teenagers can get more sleep. The plan, offered last week by Superintendent Joshua P. Starr, would delay the start of the high school day by nearly an hour, in keeping with growing research about the later sleep cycles of teenagers and the health and safety hazards of getting too little rest.

Oh boo fucking hoo, the kids are tired. Did waking up before the sun rose to go to school suck the life out of you for four years? Of course. But it developed character. A sense of responsibility. You had to make a choice- do you stay up and crank it to Howard Stern and Wild On with Brooke Burke on the E channel, or did you get sleep? The kids who chose sleep made their decision, I made mine. But choosing sleep or cranking in high school evolves when you get to college to sleep or party, and then in real life to sleep or go out to the bars after work. There is never enough time in the day to do both, so they better learn now.

By the way, I’m no mathematician, but how would pushing school forward an hour help? Wouldn’t that mean school would close an hour later, which means after school activities would end an hour later, which means they would finish their homework and go to sleep an hour later? Am I missing something here?