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When You're Dining And Dashing, There's No Time For Your Slow Poke 10 Year Old Daughter

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CBC - A husband and wife are facing charges of what police are calling “food by fraud” after allegedly dining and dashing from a Brandon, Man., restaurant — and leaving their 10-year-old daughter behind.

The manager of the restaurant told police a couple with a child ran up a tab of about $135 with food and drinks on Tuesday night in the southwestern Manitoba city. But just before 9 p.m., the pair bolted, leaving their 10-year-old daughter inside the restaurant, police said.

Officers tracked down a 29-year-old man and a 33-year-old woman nearby. Brandon police said the couple were both intoxicated and taken into custody. The 10-year-old girl is now in the custody of Child and Family Services.


Hey 10 year old, you’re cut from the team, bitch. Her parents were on a strict time budget, they can’t be waiting around all night for their 10 year old to finish her grilled cheese. Probably was coloring on the kid’s menu like a dumb 10 year old idiot too. So when it was time to dip, they dipped. If the 10 year old wasn’t bright enough to go with them, that’s on her. And I’m glad she was left behind. She obviously needed a lesson in life, and she got one. You’re either first or you’re last. You’re either with us or against us. It’s a dog eat dog world out there, when it’s time to dash after running up a $135 tab, you better get your ass into that car or you’re walking your 10 year old ass home. It’s not called neglect, it’s called tough love.