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Caleb Joseph Hitting The DL After Taking a Foul Ball Straight To The Balls


After that brutal hit to the balls, Joseph is going on the DL with a “groin” injury, because I’m pretty sure you can’t say “bruised balls” on the injury report.

Watching this play happen yesterday made me want to throw up. Caleb takes a foul ball straight to the frank and beans. I mean right dead center. Of course he wears a cup, but I guess there’s only so much a cup can do unless it’s made out of iron and steel. I cannot imagine the pain he’s in.

After getting his nuts KO’d, he nearly toppled over and had to be held up by the umpire. Good thing he had his baby last year, because using my medical expertise, the chances of another just diminished greatly. A natural vasectomy if you will. Kind of a sneaky way to get out of more kids. Wifey has no choice now, oh well.

The play was a nice metaphor for how all O’s fans feel when watching games started by Ubaldo. Didn’t need Caleb to be our fall guy, but he’ll go on the DL, hopefully ice up his swollen balls, and be back in a few games to make his return to #DongCity.
