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Kid Puts His Glasses On The Floor Of An Art Gallery And People Flock To It Like It's A Masterpiece

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Independent- Several visitors to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art this week were fooled into thinking a pair of glasses set on the floor by a 17-year-old prankster was a postmodern masterpiece. “Upon first arrival we were quite impressed with the artwork and paintings presented in the huge facility,” TJ Khayatan told BuzzFeed. “However, some of the ‘art’ wasn’t very surprising to some of us.” “We stumbled upon a stuffed animal on a gray blanket and questioned if this was really impressive to some of the nearby people.” To test out the theory that people will stare at, and try and artistically interpret, anything if it’s in a gallery setting, Khayatan set a pair of glasses down and walked away. Soon, people began to surround them, maintaining a safe distance from the ‘artwork’ and several of them taking pictures.




I love this and hate it at the same time. This should be the fatal blow to art and art galleries. That kid put down his goddamn glass and art snobs instinctually started keeping a safe distance away from it like it was the Mona Lisa and taking pictures of it so they could brag to their non-art friends about the incredible piece of art work they saw (a pair of damn glasses). This should be it. Art galleries should forever be called shams and anyone who says otherwise should be mocked and shamed. But here’s the problem. Art snobs are impossible to pin down. They’re slipperie  than the greased-up deaf guy. We say to them, “Hey you fucking morons. A kid literally put his glasses on the floor to mess with you guys and you ate up. Your world is fake” but then they say “Oh it doesn’t matter. Art is life. Life is art” and they somehow win. They can just claim that art is everywhere and all we can do is restrain ourselves from punching them in the face. Hey art snobs, we see what you’re doing  and don’t like it so we’re just gonna keep acting tough until we figure out a way to thwart it. This isn’t over.