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Egyptair Plane Debris Has Been Found And The Debate About Terrorism Is On

BBC — Debris and body parts have been found in the Mediterranean Sea by teams searching for a missing EgyptAir plane, Greek and Egyptian officials say.

Flight MS804 was en route from Paris to Cairo with 66 passengers and crew when it vanished early on Thursday.

Items including seats and luggage has also been retrieved by Egyptian search crews.

The debris was discovered about 290km (180 miles) north of Alexandria, the Egyptian military said.



Bad news. Awful stuff. We’ve all flown before and all thought about bad shit happening, so when it does it strikes all of us on some personal level. Could have been me on that plane. Could have been you. Could have been your mom, dad, brother or sister.

Beyond that, the looming likeliness that terrorism caused this sends a chilling vibe through everyone. This plane didn’t take off from Baghdad. It wasn’t shot down over Syria. This was an aviationally popular Airbus A320 that took off from Paris’ Charles de Gaulle airport. It took a densely frequent path from Paris to Cairo — a path traveled by thousands of aircrafts per week.

The thought that terrorists were able to infiltrate or evade French security and bring down this plane is deeply concerning. And Trump wasted no time articulating that and, I guess, blaming Hillary? (quote via CNN)

“And by the way, ask Hillary who blew up the plane last night — another terrible, but preventable tragedy. She has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as President at this delicate and difficult time in our country’s history.”

Hillary’s response? Simple. Trump ain’t qualified to be president and he’s an ISIS recruiter. (quote via NY1)


“We have seen how Donald Trump is being used to essentially be a recruiter for more people to join the cause of terrorism,” Clinton said. “So I think if you go through many of his irresponsible, reckless, dangerous comments, it’s not just somebody saying something off the cuff.”

So the debate rages on: What do you do? The U.S. runs special ops “small wars” all over the world and debates handling refugees and privacy laws. Europe, for the most part, runs open borders and proves, therefore, more susceptible to terror infiltration. Much of the Middle East wages dozens of civil wars while its citizens attempt normal daily life with the simple hope that the awful things that inevitably will happen just don’t happen to them.

But really, what do you do? Do you put troops on the ground in the Middle East? Do you close your borders? Do you ramp up TSA to the point we’re all marching naked through the skeleton scanner with zero carry-ons? Does it have to get to the point that we’re all in the bathroom working up semis so we don’t embarrass ourselves going through security? Do we give up all our liberties so TSA, the NSA, and Jack Bauer can frisk us both digitally and physically whenever they want? It’s an infuriating debate with no right answer, and it’s got everyone on every side worked up.

Fuck terrorism.