I Enjoyed This Dude Who Drew A Girl On His Face And Made It Twerk To Rihanna A Little Too Much
The internet, man. What a beautiful place of completely worthless yet wildly fascinating videos like that one. I wanna crawl inside that dude’s head and figure out what the fuck is going on in there. Because there’s only two ways this video came about and I can’t decide which one I find more fascinating. Option 1: That guy got super blacked out one night and passed out early on the couch and became the victim of getting his face drawn on. If that’s never happened to you, probably for the best. You walked the tight rope in college and made it to the other side unscathed. For those of us who like to start drinking as early as possible, it happened a lot. So maybe this guy woke up the next morning, saw a chick had been drawn on his face and he made the best of it. Flipped the script on the situation and turned up some Rihanna and made a video. That’s one way. The other way is he called somebody up and said. “Hey you wanna come over and draw a girl on my face so I can make a hiiiiiiiiilarious YouTube video?” I love the internet and hope it never ever changes.