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A Kid Spazzing Out And Shrieking In Class Because He Saw A Rat Is Pretty Hilarious


I’ve been blogging so many of the high school fight videos in recent months that I see a video like this and expected it to include chairs being swung or at least a gym teacher yelling at a student in a way that’ll get him a whole lot of undeserved punishment. But nope, it’s more like the lighter side of high school videos, a kid screaming like a girl and throwing himself all over the room. I honestly wasn’t sure if he was hamming it up for the camera or if he was actually losing his mind — hard to tell with black teenagers, I remember kids on my bus in high school always doing the “run around then fall on the floor laughing and banging on things” response to jokes that resembles this — but if he was just doing some physical comedy, I don’t mind that either. This would be a big time sacrifice for his art based on the angle his spine takes while he’s falling off the desks here:


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Now that’s a class clown you can get behind. Yup, just a nice fun video of kids distracting themselves from a rigorous day of learning, no way anyone could have a problem with this…


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Oh Internet.