Independence Day: Resurgence Is Doing One Hell Of A Marketing Job With "The War Of 1996" News Special
This is how you get intelligent people interested in your movie. Develop a kind of 4th wall and extra world that make the film have layers and meaning. I’m not saying Independence Day was the smartest film or idea in the world. Aliens invade, blow everything up, the humans rally, and Cousin Eddie saves the day. It’s not rocket science to why it was an entertaining flick that killed in the box office. But Independence Day: Resurgence is offering a little more than your summer blockbuster mash. It actually seems like a realistic portrayal to how the world would respond to a foreign threat. No Captain Steven Hiller doing the damn thing, but I’m very excited to see something that’s freaking original for once*.
Plus the more Jeff Goldblum the better. Good luck getting this fire jam out of your head for the rest of the life. Laugh, uhh, finds a way.
*After of course I buy tix to see every movie produced by Peter The Great Chernin that’s out at the same time. Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates just as much as I need to keep the damn lights on.