
This Big Girl Loses Her Fucking Mind At A UMass Political Correctness Event

That was one of the most difficult videos I’ve ever had to watch in my entire life, I can say that with absolution. I’ve seen faces of death, I’ve seen Marley and Me, I’ve seen Two Girls and One Cup… none of them made me as angry, sad, and disgusted as this one. That fucking Pixar characters arms jiggling all over the place while she screams at a FEMINIST PROFESSOR to keep her hate speech off campus is just one of the most bloodboiling things I’ve ever seen or ever will see.

Basically everything she said is completely false too. That’s not a free speech area, it’s not a safe space, no one was speaking hate speech, it was all just buzzword vomit coming from her mouth. The world really doesn’t ask much of people, you need to be pretty, funny, rich, or right. Just one of those is all you need. When you see someone failing at all four, as this beauty is, it’s the most upsetting visual imaginable.

By the way, I almost hate the people putting on the event as much as I hate the people in the crowd. This Steven Crowder dude, who appears to be a political knockoff of Dane Cook, something that absolutely no one in the world asked for, is damn near as insufferable as Ursula.

New plan to Make America Great Again isn’t elect Trump, it’s just roundup everybody who shows up at these events. I don’t care if you’re right wing or left wing, if you’re fucking crazy enough to show up at this shit and shout then you get put into some kind of camp. We own Puerto Rico, right? Let’s just ship them there. Make Puerto Rico our Australia. If you want to shout and argue about nonsense, that’s where you go. The rest of us normal people will stay here. Bam, America is fucking amazing. I just solved it.