
Pretty Sure We Know St. Louis' Secret To Knocking Off The Blackhawks


If you didn’t watch last night’s Game 7 between St. Louis and Chicago, you missed out on one of the best hockey games in the past 5 years. It was hockey on crack, hockey on steroids, hockey on meth, hockey on viagra, hockey on whatever the hell kids are taking these days. Now I’m sure that we’ll hear plenty about the Seabrook shot that hit off both posts today. I’m sure we’ll hear plenty about Troy Brouwer’s game winning goal. But the former Blackhawk and the pipes weren’t the real heroes last night for St. Louis. Oh no no no. The real X-Factor last night allowing the Blues to knock off the defending Stanley Cup Champions? The Cups sitting right behind Coach Q and the Blackhawks bench.


I refuse to believe these implants weren’t purposefully planted behind the Blackhawk’s bench. St. Louis knew they had to break out the big dawgs after failing to close out the Hawks in the previuos two games. They knew they had to play a little dirty and win the mental game if they were going to win the hockey game. People were giving Ken Hitchcock shit for that timeout he took with under a minute left in the game that allowed Jonathan Toews to catch his breath and get back out on the ice for the final shift. But Hitch Daddy knew exactly what he was doing with that call. Because while Coach Q was drawing up the final play, the 6 guys on the ice had a big ol’ set of boobies right in their face the whole time. Not a chance any of them were paying attention to Q at that moment. And even when they got back onto the ice for the next face off, they had baby girl right up in their grill as well.


Looks like I need to make my way on down to St Louis for a game soon. And hey Smoke Patrol, do your job and find me this angel. But yeah, shoutout to St. Louis for loading the arena full of smokes. One of the oldest tricks in the book and they worked it to perfection. Now here’s a quick history lesson on the relationship between hockey and titties.

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