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Episode 6 of The Kat Timpf Show With Comedian Henry Zebrowski From NBC's Heroes Reborn....Also I Need An Intern



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We discussed everything this week. Literally everything. Including if monogamy is possible, what old age will be like, affirmative consent, and how insane Instagram commenters can be.

Also I need an intern. The most important thing to me in an intern is that you can find events/protests/whatever the hell it is going on in NYC where I can go make videos that will be funny and go viral and Stoolies will love. I need a list of several events for me to choose from every single week without me asking you that I will like. This is the most important thing to me. The person who is the best at this will get the job. If you are good at this, and this alone, I will like you.

Of course, you will have to do other shit. Like what? I don’t know, basically whatever I decide I need and I don’t expect an attitude. At the same time, please do not kiss my ass to a point where it’s creepy or sad. (NOTE: I DO expect you to kiss my ass. But if I am creeped out you will not be hired.)

I am a wonderful girl according to my own vision of myself and will be a wonderful reference and stick my neck out for the right person. This type of job is exactly how I got started in this business. But whether or not you are the “right person” depends on how well you can find me the events I need and do the things I need without being a pain in the ass. Extracurricular qualities like how good you are with your grandma or children or how much protein powder you consume do not matter.

If you are interested please email KatTimpfShow@gmail.com

I know you’re out there and I can’t wait to work with you.

