
Daily Mail - Thursday April 21st


Todays episode:

The dude arrested for putting soda in his water cup at McDs, Doctor mails it in and tells his patients to google medical advice, Cube Monkey makes Lego videos of murdering his coworkers, London opens up nude dining restaurant, man threatens to kill the tiger that killed the Tiger Whisperer.

Seen a few people recently on Twitter and Reddit asking about which of my podcasts are which and where they can find them, so I figured I’d address it here. Daily Mail is on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays. They are just quick hitter episodes, 15 minutes long. I dont even think of them as podcasts. More like audio blogs. If you like my blogging, then you’ll like Daily Mail. Think of it as just 5 blogs in one, and instead of reading, you’re listening to me.

Originally I was thinking of phasing out Daily Mail once we added all the new shows to our schedule. I didnt want to take away any potential downloads for Pardon My Take or anything, and didnt want to oversaturate things. But Pardon My Take is very successful so Daily Mail has absolutely no effect on their downloads, and as far as over-saturating, I just really dont care about that. So I’ll be continuing Daily Mail I think. Just mixing in audio blogs instead of written and consider it part of my 10,000 hours to get as good behind the mic as I can. I think there’s a handful of pretty dedicated Daily Mail fans, so I guess those people will be happy I’m continuing. And if you havent listened before, like I said just think of it as an extra 5 blogs for the day, where you can listen instead of read.