
Mets Fans Buy Mike Piazza's 9/11 Jersey And Will Donate It To Cooperstown And September 11th Museum

NY Post – The 9/11 Mike Piazza jersey is coming home. Home to New York. Home to the fans. Even home to the Mets, who made a colossal mistake selling the jersey in a private sale three years ago. Anthony Scaramucci and Tony Lauto and an anonymous third business partner, all of them huge Mets fans, came to an agreement in principle Thursday to buy the jersey, The Post has learned. The jersey will sell for approximately $355,000, making it the most expensive modern day jersey. Scaramucci and Lauto worked hard to set up the deal so the jersey can spend time at Citi Field, as well as the 9/11 Memorial Museum and at the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. “We had too many friends die in those buildings to let that jersey go anywhere else,’’ Scaramucci, founder of Skybridge Capital, told The Post. “Tony and I wanted to make sure that jersey stays in New York. “We talked to Mike, he’s happy. We talked to Vince [Piazza], he’s happy. Scaramucci and Lauto shelled out the big bucks, but they want the jersey — which was sold by Goldin Auctions for its consignor — to belong to the fans. The last thing Scaramucci and Lauto, former head trader at Goldman Sachs, wanted was for this jersey to wind up out of the country. The three partners also have a small “slice’’ of Mets ownership; Scaramucci also is host of “Wall Street Week” on FOX Business Network.

Well first of all a big thank you to Anthony Scaramucci and Tony Lauto. 355 grand is a lot of money. Thats an incredibly generous move on their part and we can finally put this whole fiasco to rest. As I said in the first blog about this matter, its not that the Piazza jersey REALLY matters. Doesnt make us remember that moment or remember the people we lost in 9/11 any more or less. At the end of the day its just a shirt. But its an important shirt. A symbolic shirt. And I think I speak for almost all of New York when I say we can rest easy knowing that piece of history is in a museum. When it comes to memoribilia and art and important artifacts and objects, its like Indiana Jones says…It Belongs In A Museum. Thanks to Anthony and Tony, this jersey is headed there.

And secondly a big fuck you to the Wilpons and the Mets organization who had MULTIPLE opportunities to rectify this situation and now, instead, because they’re cheap and dont give a shit about the perception, history, and culture of our franchise, a couple Mets fans had to drop 350 grand. Idiots. Cheap idiots.