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Jim Nantz Says He Hasn't Ruled Out Tiger Woods Playing In The Masters This Year

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Jimmy! My good man! Ol’ burnt toast Jim. I love him saying this about Tiger. Probably said it with a wink and a smile. Anything to build the already-massive buzz surrounding a wide open Masters field. Here’s the thing though, Tiger Woods is playing in the 2016 Masters. I’ve been saying it for weeks now. It’s pretty much a done deal. How do I know that? My gut. I feel it all the way down in my plums that Tiger will be at Augusta playing next week. If he wasn’t playing, why wouldn’t he just say he’s not playing? He has every opportunity to say, “Nope, not this year guys. Sorry” but he hasn’t said a damn word. He could tweet right now that he’s not playing. Done and done. But nothing. We’re a week away from the Masters and Tiger hasn’t said anything about not playing. That’s kind of odd to me. It really makes me believe that he’s playing. Not to mention the field is WIDE OPEN like I said above. I also think people doubting his recovery pisses him off and makes him want to come back. Toss that “What Happened?” Sports Illustrated cover up on the bulletin board and head to Augusta. It’s gonna happen. I can feel it.


PS- Tiger better not make any sort of announcement tomorrow regarding whether or not he’s playing in the Masters. Just don’t do it. I don’t need any “Oh April fools!” jokes if he announces that he is or isn’t playing. Him and his PR team aren’t that stupid (I hope). Literally any day but tomorrow to make the announcement.


Double PS- Where in the fuck is Notah Begay with a Tiger/Masters scoop? It’s literally his only job. He is employed by the Golf Channel because he’s close friends with Tiger. That’s it. Don’t hold out on us, Notah. Don’t you do it.