
Time For A Little Post 4th Of July Funk Buster

So today sucks. Everyone basically had 4 days off last week. Summer, drinking and freedom. Now it’s back to the grind. Well as you know there is only one way to deal with this. Big Cat’s Funk Buster time. Losers complain. Winners buy something they don’t need and look at hot chicks. Let’s Go.


Something I Don’t Need.

I now have a nerf gun, hand claw and a monopoly tie so I’m sort of a man who has it all, or so I thought, until I saw this.


Boom. Personal snow cone maker. Put it right next to my blogging station and eat snow cones all day. Probably get skinny as fuck while doing it too.


Oh but wait, that’s not all. How about a little art. BOOM times 2.



Yeah I just bought this print. Cost me 25 bucks. Best purchase I’ve ever made. Don’t look now but you add this photograph and the painting hanging across from my shitter and I’ve got myself a little bit of an art empire.



Hot Girl


Holly Peers. Snow cone, dog photography and tits, I feel better already.

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