
EatDatPussy Has Lost It, Is Now Attempting to Eloquently Compare The Eagles To WWI And Trench Warfare


Don’t ask my why I found this hilarious, but I did. A man known as EatDatPussy who makes a “living” posting Eagles reaction videos on YouTube in between watching porn, Tweeting actual dick pics to haters, and eating, is actually minimally educated in The Great War. Why and how? I don’t know. I don’t care. But it’s refreshing watching the big man take us to school instead of going fully apeshit while sweating gravy. I can dig it. Next up compare Jeffrey Lurie to Louis XVI and his bitch Howie to Marie Antoinette and we’ll get one step closer to storming the Novacare.

As for me, a bottle to the face and 10 hours of sleep has calmed me down a bit. I’ll reserve my full judgement till we know the compensation for these trades, but overall I agree that salary cap wise – Yes, these are stellar moves (Besides Kiko, but we’ll get into that more later). I’m still questioning if they were made for the right reasons, I.E. making the football team better rather than “Hey Chip, go sit on a fist”, but again, we’ll have a better idea once we find out what we’re getting back. Until then, observe EDP in his natural, oblivious Eagles fan element of threatening to go eat a ham if the Eagles don’t get a 1st or 2nd rounder from the Titans for DeMarco. Spoiler Alert: There’s no way it’s above a 4, and even that would be a miracle.