
Edmonton Oilers Fans Want Brandon Manning To Get AIDS And Die

The Flyers host the Edmonton Oilers tonight. The last time these two teams played, exactly 4 months to the day, the Chosen One went down with a fractured collarbone (that’s a scientific term for a clavicle) that sidelined him for 37 games. While the collision looked violent, even Blind Mike could tell you that Connor McDavid caught an edge which caused him to fly into the boards. And when McDavid went down, he brought Manning down with him which obviously caused the injury to become more severe. But it wasn’t Manning tugging McDavid by his sweater that caused him to go down in the first place. It was just McDavid being too fast for his own good. However, that’s not the way that Oilers fans would like to see it. – Brandon Manning has put the death threats behind him. The Flyers defenseman said he received the threats after he collided with Edmonton’s Connor McDavid on Nov. 3, and the Oilers’ hotshot rookie suffered a broken collarbone on the play.

“There was stuff on Twitter and everything, all kinds of threats,” Manning, whose Flyers will host McDavid and the Oilers on Thursday, said after practice Wednesday in Voorhees…Manning later said he received death threats, “and people were saying they hope I get AIDs. All kinds of stupid stuff.”

Okay so right off the bat, you can tell that the people in Edmonton are a little behind. Because wishing AIDS upon somebody has a completely different meaning than it did let’s say a year ago. Now that Charlie Sheen has AIDS, it’s the cool disease to have. What does Magic Johnson got that Donald Sterling doesn’t? He’s got AIDS. Death threats aside, it’s almost like the people of Edmonton are wishing that Brandon Manning gets a few million dollars and becomes universally loved and admired. But that’s besides the point. Because right off the second bat, Brandon Manning will be scratched for tonight’s game. Thank god because he stinks and brings nothing to the table for this Flyers team besides acting like a tough guy after every whistle. So unfortunately for Edmonton fans, they won’t get a chance to see anybody go after Manning tonight in the game for something he didn’t actually do. And come to think of it, Connor McDavid going down with that broken collarbone was a blessing in da skies.

Since coming back from injury, McDavid has put up 7 goals and 12 assists in just 15 games. He’s the only rookie in the league right now who is scoring at above 1 point per game and has quickly thrown his hat right back into the Calder Trophy conversations despite missing nearly half the season. He came back stronger and he came back rested. Meanwhile, Brandon Manning has done zero things of value and has spent plenty of time watching from the press box like McDavid has, only he just hasn’t been hurt. So if anything, I think that Oilers fans should be thanking Brandon Manning and the Philadelphia Flyers. It’s us Flyers fans that should be pissed at McDavid for stealing the Rookie of the Month honors from Ghost for February.
