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Wild Scene Of FedEx Driver Surviving A EF-3 Tornado


Freaking Mother Nature can be a cranky bitch sometimes. This is more like Girlfriend Nature on her period, ammiright guys? Anyone? But I suppose I’d be at the beckoning call of God if I survived this wrath, too. Shit is a pointless love story and a strung out Phillip Seymor Hoffman from being a scene straight out of Twister. I guess there wasn’t a significant head’s up for Kyra to find shelter. Need to get that town one of those adorable Dog Sirens to alert the masses a killer tornado is on the way.

Screw the Emergency Broadcast System or those iPhone flash flood alerts that wake you up at 4am so loud that you’d rather drown in a valley of raging waters anyways. Dog Siren is the future. Team this pup up with this lab and evacuate the area via cuteness, please. Just have to make sure your Dog Siren is not defective like this little chap.

Tornadoes and Tsunamis would roll through without warning. Damn thing make sounds that remind me of an early sexual experience I had. And by early I of course mean every.