
Blackhawks Go To The White House...Again


The Blackhawks made their annual trip to the White House again today. We’ve never seen anything like this before in all of sports.

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In a salary cap league no less!

Third trip to the White House in 6 years for the Hawks. Absolutely incredible. Obama is a bad bounce of off Nick Leddy’s ass in Game 7 vs LA from getting presented a jersey for each member of his family.

In all seriousness, this never gets old. You can tell that (almost) everyone is thrilled to be there. Look how excited Teravainen is

Teuvo couldn’t look more out of place. I don’t know how they decide who stands where, but this was a tough draw for Turbo. Front and center behind the leader of the free world. Never occurred to me until today who Teravainen looks like…



Intern or professional athlete? Teuvo is a Finnish Kenneth Parcell.

Scott Darling got a personal shout out from the President. Totally took it in stride

(deep breaths, Scott. Deep breaths). Scott Darling’s incredible run continues. From riding buses in the Southern League a few years ago, to the President of the United States telling stories about you. Unbelievable. Even though Darling almost fainted, I’m glad the President mentioned this story. This is exactly the type of good deed and behavior that deserves to be showcased. Darling has the type of character you want to be known for as an organization. Tremendous story. If you haven’t heard about the story Obama referenced about Scott Darling you can read about it here, just like Obama did. Barstool with a pretty linear connection to the Oval Office. Nbd.

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Obama The Dreamer. #Hope

Hey Obama, there’s a better chance of a fat Canadian getting elected President than there is of the Bears or Bulls winning a championship.


What do you get for the man that has everything?

A parking pass. That’s honestly an incredible gift. He’s got the good spot in front of the good building any time he wants for life. The rest of us are shelling out $25 to Red Top or Peoples Parking and walking down Madison in the dead of winter.

At least he appreciates it